Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC » 구글 카메라 설치
Config Files for Urnyx's GCam 7.3.x
Download APK: - GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.6 About config files: Different phones need different settings. Config files allow users to quickly import (load) and export settings. If GCam doesn't work well on your phone, try one of these configs created by the
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Urnyx05: GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.6.apk
GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.6.apk By Urnyx05. Download: Configs: Changelog: [ Source. ] Changed the algorithm to fix dots on Poco F2 Pro wide lens. Updated config for the F2 Pro: pocof2pro-urnyx05-v2.xml Note: You may have to perform a clean install when upgra
- GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.6.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCamera.Urnyx)
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